Telemetry and Understanding the Aura

         PAGE TWO

art of biblical record, from a rock

I was amazed to see that she stood close to David and said:

"My dear friend, I would hug you, but, at the moment, I am not suited to touch even the hem of your garment. You see, I have suffered from a sickness, and cannot stop bleeding. I have come all the way here to seek your assistance. Can you heal me of it?

I watched as David took a gold device which had a glass cylinder in it, full of an emerald colour liquid. He used this device with some type of drip needle, and started health assistance almost immediately.

This account is a little simplified, but the sensibility of the event that I was able to witness was not the same as what Bible students have been obliged to read, or to believe, post-edit circa 800AD.
Priests of the period began to suspect women as being the purveyors of illnesses like syphylis, and womens' former status as Rabbis or Ministers had already been diminished by the professional males in the Christian faith, way back in the 3rd or 4th century.

By the time the Bible was edited by St. Thomas Aquinas, items like a friendship between Jesus and Roman aristocrats' wives got sloughed away, in favour of the type of one-sided story that the story of the ill woman has become to represent. Women were considered (centuries after the era of Jesus) to be secondary, and even, unclean!

I am fond of meditating upon the actual events of Old or New Testament, and was more than delighted to see and to hear that the woman was not a lesser individual, and certainly not considered to be by Jesus.
She was just being polite and clean, the very notion that has assisted Jews and Christians in their long journey toward civilized means, and toward true, admirable survival.

My delight was in rectifying the record of not only the loving nature of David ben Miriam (Jesus Christ) but to also feel that I had in my possession an absolute, a tangible record that the Biblical records had become conveniently mythologized into a real put-down of women, over the centuries.

I had come (like most women of the sixties) through the strenuous politic at the heart of womens' liberation, the re-establishment of womens' equality in the churches. I had studied Theology in University. Like many advanced lady theologians, (although I was a beginner) I was intent upon renewed and brand new concepts in Faith, not old, stale and outdated dogma, written by celibate fanatics! Since there are still men in the world who would utilize the sensibility of woman as unclean by comparison to a religious figure, since they worship text all too pedantically,  I hope that, in giving the rock record to an archeologist, Biblical history may undergo a type of restitutive re-evaluation.

So, I recorded what I could see into the animated abstract above, for brevity. I used MSN clips of pebbles that had come from the same rail area as had the
woman, and superimposed (in the animation) simple actions that I could see happening in the womans' aura.

Telemetry allows a person to have vision which can "apperceive", through handling a relic, or from standing in an historic area. What this could be is probably a combination of seeing through hearing, and also a natural ability to scrutinize minutiae similarly to the function of a crystallographers' equipment. Like a sound physicist, a telemetrist can see and hear everything that has happened from a pebble, literally.

It stands to reason that, if the image of the person or event is
recorded in earth, that the aura of the action is also recorded, since Kirlian photography has proven that the aura can be seen and recorded, in coloured shaping, as a chemical steam.

That print of action and intent was still there, and I hope to fascinate and to educate through the somewhat primitive artwork above. Each of the discs in the art were used as auric impressions of the womans' actions. I used the pebbles and the cat shape as clues, or identifying features.

I hope that you will allow for creative license in your objective perception of the motion and colour of the simple circles and shapes.
This amounts to a small mission of mine, in favour of better quality communication between doctrines, and also  toward the clarification of history,in the hope of bettering the issues of equality of the sexes.


2 entries found for impressionism.

Main Entry: im·pres·sion·ism

Pronunciation: im-'pre-sh&-"ni-z&m

Function: noun

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