Northdays Arts for Medicine Directory
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offers some links to my other sites. You may use the
Search links above, or choose to click to Northdays Herbs articles and Properties,for example, if that
interests you. I started Herbs by Northdays Image several years ago, in order
both to study herbs and medicine, and also to demonstrate my level of expertise
in web design.
You may always find that a text-only (or, print friendly page) is available just below the dropdown menu at top. Mouse over the left space under the buttons, then click.
I hope that your interest in health and spiritual
well being will extend to an interest in design and fine art. So, please store
this site into your favourites. I might be adding if I have the time.
I hope that your interest in health and spiritual
well being will extend to an interest in design and fine art.
Click back to
this Directory from any scrolling page by clicking Directory at the side, or
at the bottom.
- The Sacred Male : Titling
- Second page: The Science: Pegmatite (Foundations)
- Third
Page: The Politic: The
Acculturation of Natural Forces for Earth Peace
( Acculturation)
- Tiny White Bells ( The Sacred Female ) : Symbols (Symbols, and what they mean to
*An essay which leads from the surface
interpretation of image to a more meditative or investigative conclusion. How
reading the script within the action of an object or life can reshape the
purpose and message of a work.
- Telemetry and the Aura
- Cube of Space Toy
Just print, clip, and construct.
- Demons
"Portrait of Evil"
Understanding aesthetics of the Pia Mater.
- My Publication:
Meeting Ananda Bodhi
copyright Northdays Image: Susan Risk 2004 - 2006