As a younger person, I dutifully repeated the mantra, "OM MANI PADME HUM" at least 100,000 times. This was an initiates' excercise in opening and purifying the mind. What I had not thought of because ones' inital meditation is fairly subjective, is that the leaders that I had listened to were talking about the human form as a microcosm expressing the shape of an existing macrocosm.
This concept (macro/microcosm) seemed most reasonable to me. After all, I had had an early childhood education involving Judaism and Christianity, both of which have early texts, which are Torah (the book of Judaism) or The Old and New Testaments of The Holy Bible (a Christian text which continued with the wisdom of Torah, The Old Testament, by adding annotated incidents and speeches, which they called The New Testament). These texts begin with the (earlier Babylonian folk ) concept that a Greater being formed humankind as a likeness of its own form.
Later, as I had evolved to become a Theology student in University, I ran into the world-wide dialectic of Science, as it meets the early contextuality of faith with discovery and dispassionate research.
As the world approached a millenium experience, it was considered, on the Christian calendar, to be the end of the second thousand year after the era in which lived a reforming rabbi from the 'Golden Age of the Rabbinate',Christ,or the leader of a new slant on Judaism which emerged to be called Christianity.
Our millenium time for the earth also marked an era roughly five thousand years after the appearance of Moses, the leader of the early Jews (who have a different calendar), and seven thousand years after the emergence of Buddha, the compassionate leader, (Prince Siddharta)who evolved the faith of Buddhism.
As the millenium year approached, fears for the stability of the Atomic clocks' data, as it marked time via Internet services into every computers' desktop, became a prevalent issue. What geophysicists did not dwell upon openly was the concept that the earth went through a major shift every thousand years, one of the Universal forces active upon our tiny sphere because of larger planets and stars' motions or varied magnetic frequencies -(whatever...).
Someone equally meditative, but from within a scientific discipline remarked, to me, that the Bible was holy to his fellows,as scientists, because it existed as a reference upon actions and thoughts relative to emergency conditions, which they believed to be more prevalent for every thousand years of the earths' journey in space.
I had not thought of the Bible as a manual on treating the earth and, in turn, society, with reverence - in order to rebalance actual foundations of earth before. But this made sense when I leafed through the Holy Bible to find the chapter called "Habbakuk" (meaning "A Warm Embrace", or "Hug".The references for the chapter, which title each page separately along with the titled direction of the chapter, instructs the reader to notice that the work is written by people who wished to instruct society as to how, culturally, humanity ought to relate each to itself and the earth after, literally, an earthquake.
It is well known that early religious leaders cultured their societies through kind references to the holiness of good health and morality, offering what were, in fact, early scientific formulae to which the practitioner was invited to adhere.
Wars have been fought over societies which did not choose to follow the social norm after rival societies had acculturated their ritual politic from within rough conditions, to find that their way of life helped to protect each others' families or properties,(that is, land stability) and even their peace of mind. Later, fellowship and scholarship helped people to learn that each others' faithful formulae could be used to advantage, in effect, teaching the world to behave more as a whole society or without the factional and incestuous parochialism of the small, controlling tribal influence.
Finding that the use of mantras for the purpose of personal unfoldment toward the goal of spiritual awakening had, indeed, opened my senses to greater visual , auditory, and sensory acuity, I found that I used the senses in a sensible way, that is, to help others in need. I am not smarmy or soupy about my own gifts. When I was young,though, I had suddenly seen injuries in front of my eyes and had "illusions" of vampires about to run off with my teen form- so I voiced my fears.
When I repeated my youth experience to Doctors, trying to requalify my experiences as I evolved, I found that, if a male Doctor did not understand heightened sensibilities, he was more than likely to call any spiritual gift, and even texts like the Vedas, the Bible, and so on, the primitive action of people trying to acculturate illnesses, which they lumped into a beggars' bag on a stick and called psychosis or schizophrenia.
There seems to be some truth to the accusation that superstitious behavioura ,and also, perseveranceb will fetishize the results of various misunderstood illnesses. Anthropologists will cite the example of Piblokto in the far North of the Americas,(the North-West Territories) stating that Shaman of the Inuit tribespeople had made a ceremony from hypocalcemia c , a terrible shortage of calcium suppy to the nerves, blood and bones which happened to northern people during the Arctic winter- a land which enjoys sunlight, or daytime, in the winter for less than half a day .
Vitamin D is a factor which helps the body to absorb calcium, and a serious supply of this comes from sunshine. A lack of sunshine does not just make one moody and 's.a.d.' (seasonal affective disorder)d , when one has little variance in diet. In the primitive Arctic conditions, northern people became hysterical, felt the need to take off their clothes in mid-winter, beat at their chests, jumping and dancing around. They also suffered from hallucination.This activity was from calcium deprivation.
The peoples' religious leaders made a ceremony of this phenomenon, which they called 'piblokto',e to assist others in coping with their conditions. Actions like this were often, in earlier times, referred to by seemingly benign, educated medical or scientific professionals as 'hocus pocus', and they were simply expressing a discipline of scientific reason as they knew it, being, sometimes, over-protective of the public. They were not visionary in their use of medicine as a holistic practice, an attitude which triumphed over the more materialistic phenomenon of earlier 20th century science. Holism means a practice of involving all angles of any issue, evolving the concept of an integrated body-mind-spirit, as the full nature of humankind.
Albeit, in the short term, our brothers and sisters of the North needed and deserved a proper dietary balance to exist more happily, medicine had left behind the concept of thoughts within repeated meditative practice which can evolve new abilities in human physicality or consciousness.
Over many millions of years, we have built physical immunities and intellectual capabilities, which, we hope, tend to focus our world evolution into civility and, eventually, into a shared state of love and friendship. Philosophers like my favourite of all time, Joseph Chilton Pearce *3 , wrote books like "The Crack in the Cosmic Egg ", a work which suggested that societies, do , in fact, manifest into actual earthly conditions what they wish for and think about, metaphysically.
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality
Joseph Chilton Pearce, Thom Hartmann, Published Inner Traditions Intl Ltd 30 September, 2002
In this accelerated era of the year 2003 (and I write on New Years Eve, the 31st of December) religious faith, scientific discovery, and, to some degree, fine arts , music or film serve society together in ways that inform, and to educate. Our more accepting societies and also interactive schools or disciplines are more likely to employ more than one discipline, or the languages of each others disciplines, in order to express discoveries, facts or mysteries.
p. 24, Chapter 1:
"The fundamental axiom in the theory and practise of American pluralism, I believe, is this: Instead of a single center of sovereign power there must be multiple centres of power, none of which is or can be wholly sovereign. Although the only legitimate sovereign is the people, in the perspective of American pluralism even the people ought never to be an absolute sovereign; consequently no part of the people, such as a majority, ought to be absolutely sovereign.
Why this axiom? The theory and practise of American pluralism tend to assume as I see it, that the existence of multiple centres of power, none of which is wholly sovereign, will help (may indeed be necessary) to tame power, to secure the consent of all, and to settle the conflicts peacefully: etc.."
Main Entry: 2accommodationist
Date: 1964
: favoring or practicing accommodation or
Whether our democratic societies in the West lean to the "assimilationist", self-determinative" (Canadian) or liberal pluralistic ethics (American) in the understanding of Democracy and its obvious extension in the binding and/or liberating media of film and microwave, we do share a dislike of dictatorship, and we will openly explore means whereby we may dispute the right of whatever governance to dispense with our civil liberties. Today, we may all share public libraries, a vast and expanded update on books involving almost instant dialectic and constantly changing visions via Internet services, and we are all free to write in to agencies offered in the defense of civil liberties.
It is another matter to question the business of the elite Medical Profession. Very few citizens have the time or the talent to research the origin of illness nor the means to cure these problems, and so they try to accept the qualified opinion of their Doctor.
Of concern is that a type of paternalism still exists via the need to (over?) protect from within the healing sciences, leads to the possibility that hypercapitalism has developed as a malaise inside these professions,existing as an involuted and therefore counter-effective variation on acculturation, self-determination, and liberal pluralism.
When a scientist is well educated and full of social health concerns, a social morality exists through a tradition in the presentation of education which tends to label, categorize and to pin down the problems of health. Sometimes, as a society, we perceive that medical science is willing to call any phenomenon, food, or source other than medicine a potential threat, disorder, or disease-causing factor.We laugh at them.
But we can also suffer from the counter-effectiveness of the capital greed in medicine which not only attempts to guard public health through dominating through wealth, but tries to thwart seemingly alien efforts to communicate various factors, if they come from different schools of thought .
Their manner, as if the contemptuous professor, is to call inner perception and actual experience reported to (or shared with) medicine, a figment of the imagination, an oddity, or literally, a factor of mental illness. Their attitude is often to ignore the "patient", suitably (and perhaps, superstitiously) pigeon-holed, but to contain for themselves through their more educated view (of what their patient may be describing) as (potentially) a lucrative prospect for medicine. Most of the time they may feel that they are guarding the patient from highly sensitive,and therefore threatening, situations.
There, hence, are some people who will label and condemn for capital gain, and this 'eraser' sensibility has networked (amazingly, when you think about it) first from the formerly elitist and wealthy religious leaders throughout most professional schools until scientists who had traditionally been oppressed and even (in mediaeval days) burned as witches, began to treat the disciplines of religious schools in a similar manner.
History has shown that a very repugnant illness existed because of puritanism, resulting in the erasure of herbalists and religious or scientific pioneers. These early explorers ,and even Christian Quakers, were hung, burned and flogged, or reviled while being tortured in the stocks.
This page is being written to suggest that hyper-moralists and religious scientists of the earlier eras have re-emerged in the form of some of our elitist scientific establishment, because they had such great difficulty in controlling what is a human urge to know, and to challenge dictum or dogma in all walks of life.
In our modern environment, the great scientific wonders of the world have been wrested from the hands of these religious leaders, some of whom had hidden so much of the truth in order to protect the public.
In order to inform the public, in a better manner, of dangers to their health or to the betterment of their cultures, these new "gurus" of modern science had tried to develop from within the coolness of formal science, a simplified means of explaining away what has been most frightening to the public, whether this is an ecological health disaster of whatever nature, or a skinny, phosphorus coated (and therefore, invisible) person recently escaped form underground caverns (whathaveyou). To your face, they make these phenomena a figment of the imagination, choosing to explain that medicines will make the 'hallucinations" go away.
A very simple example of this took twenty years for the Canadian government to address. After years of complaints of rude stalking of private situations, the government finally squeezed out a complaint of its own about high tech stalking posing a huge nuisance to the public at large. The laser detector had been in use for well over twenty years, and the same government had inspired concern in the feeling that Russian spies might be using the laser detector, not them. In the meantime victims of sadistic staking had, at times, not only been pilled to death, they were further ghettoized in halfway houses, or in and out of mental wards, in the attempt to explain how other rude humans were distinctly threatening them by watching and/or listening to their activities. Some of them even felt that reporting these phenomena to their psychiatrist was their job,affecting the language of malaise in order to focus attention on a crime scene, or perhaps,a person in danger.
I know- I,myself, tried writing things that were oddly out of place to knock even a hip Doctor off his post so that he would see a very tragic crime (at one point).
Though most of us can get away with this (because the Doctor is paid to listen) people who have suffered from bizarre situations from early microwave spills (like Fred Mertzophobia) have had to wait years for an answer to their worries, and they may have been too drugged up to appreciate the difference by the time both medicine and police authorities had finished with them.
To the point, just about anyone in any creative field (music, theatre, fine art, craft, fashion) will attempt to describe unthinkable situations, or discoveries which are exotic, like new diamond banks or the sapphires of Madagascar, with formed, coloured, shaped, titled, and toned creations. These symbols, tunes or even demonstrations of natural effects engineered into jewellery or fine art (for example) are meant to serve the public in a cultured manner, to instruct, clarify and to lead the insightful into greater awareness of whatever event.
Each of we creative people wish to be paid for our educaed work,since there are many situations where the same Doctors or Officials will serve others using creative forms as reference, where the ongoing event is fairly secretive (this includes arts in protest).
For obvious reasons, we educated artists do not prepare the equivalent of Beethovens' Fifth in exquisite detail, just so that our family Doctor will have all the necessary criteria in order to fully understand our complaints. So we, as citizens who educate citizens like scientists, in the art of creative communication, use quick clues in our speech, notes or diagrams, in the expectation that a Doctor will also enjoy an intuited, fuller picture, just as we are expected to know something of current medicine.
As we mutually take each others capabilities for granted, efficacity for the communicator seems to be lost on both sides where medicine (or higher property taxes, as the case may be) seem to proffer a stop-gap measure.
So ( and this is written for two Doctors from different walks of life) I have taken the (unpaid ,as usual) time for you, to try and demonstrate ways that artists perceive, and how they attempt to assist in communicating aspects of the worlds' identity.
These pages linked to " The Sacred Male" have been written about the aspect of titling, since most people become confused if they do not sense what letters and words mean, or from where they have originated.If you have read thus far, you might keep this site as a reference, since there are many ways to clue people in, when we have the time. I have tried, via the Internet, to explore the physical shape of earth, to define gem tones which have tweeted my way.
A little later, examples like the Luscher Colour Test, and also studies on the colour sensibilities used in Kabbalah, can fill you in on how colours with form can instruct the mind to witness the message in context.
I am really doing this for one reason.Coming from a medically oriented family I feel ashamed at what I conceive to be disgraceful and unaware discriminatory treatment by the medical profession. The warm embrace of the greater world around us can accept and (even from within misunderstanding) foster creative and nourishing conditions.
My only other comments about the rudeness of 'hasty notes' in medicine is that I feel obliged to offer my time, research, educated abilities and sincere honesty for free (again) in the hope that you will awaken.
This kind of attempt at friendship and at better communication is most often exploited by people like rich Doctors and politicians.
It is small wonder that the more reactionary element in our social climate is abreacting by not trusting medicine at all.
OnLine Medical Dictionary
Online Medical Dictionary